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The Complete MPC Mentoring Program

Success in Fitness


All the tools you need in one COMPLETE

mentoring package


The Complete MPC Mentoring Program

Success in Fitness


All the tools you need in one COMPLETE

mentoring package


What's included?

Weekly mentoring session with the MPC Team

✓weekly action steps.

Access to the MPC database and systems

✓over 400 hours of educational content and resources. 

Resources made available for you

✓Access to over 100 MPC design programs -  KPI and business tracking tools -  Over 100 Canva pieces of social media collateral - Done for you Intake forms, Check-in forms, Cancellation forms, and more.

All that for just $150 AUD weekly payments!
So much value for less cost!
Get The Complete MPC Mentoring Program Now!

Trent Nguyen

"Big thanks to Paul for helping me with my online client retention as I was struggling to hold onto clients after 6 weeks. After coaching with Paul we identified that I didn't have the structure for the different levels of clients mainly because I didn't know how to identify them from the start and how to fix it. I was stressed every week that someone would leave. Since then my retention rate is so much better with next to zero clients leaving after 6 weeks. This, of course, means my business is now much more profitable than before. If you need help with your systems and retention then PAUL is the man to speak to. I highly recommend him."


Education in this program is unbelievably unmatchable.

- Krystal Medeiros

MPC is the full package of coaching in the health & performance coaching space.

- Yonah Duniam

Paul is the best, because he’s the best rounded coach. The best PT mentor I had.

- Nic Bergmans


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