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Want to Know The REAL Secret to Lasting Body Composition Change?

meldrum performance coaching nutrition coaching Oct 23, 2022

We live in a world with countless dietary hacks, macro prescriptions and supplements that promise life changing results, yet we struggle to make lasting changes to our body composition and health. 

By developing a healthy relationship with food you effectively bypass the need for diet hacks and quick fixes: You develop a lifelong understanding of both the value and the use of food as a tool for body composition changes and social enjoyment, without feeling guilt and achieving success. 

The problem is most people focus on the WRONG things like a specific macronutrient ratio rather than something to develop lasting change and internal awareness. 

 A healthy relationship with food will give better outcomes than any 12 week transformation program. 

There are no shortcuts to developing a healthy relationship with food: You need to do the work.  Here is your action plan to make it happen:

Use a Food Journal

Using a food journal will not only help you record what you what, but can also be used to see why you eat. Record the associated feelings and what you are dealing with when you eat something thats causes you distress and patterns will quickly emerge. 

Shine A Light On The Bright Spots

Just as we should find out the negatives, we should reward ourselves for when we do demonstrate a healthy relationship with food. When we recognise it once, we empower ourselves to know we can do it again. 

Use Self Compassion

We are all going too make mistakes with our nutrition and be less than perfect. Forgiving ourselves when this happens and not having an overly rigid set of routines and rules can improve our relationship with food exponentially. 


Whenever you're ready, there are 3 other ways I can help you:

1. Work with me 1:1 in a highly individualised environment, catered to your needs. Results guaranteed. Only for people who want to reach their peak potential.  

2. Join over 100 satisfied customers and jump into my online coaching program. 

3. The MPC Training Masterclass - Perfect for budget options and someone who just wants a program to get going. 




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