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The Level 3 Client Strategy Guide

meldrum performance coaching nutrition coaching personal training Aug 23, 2022

Level 3 clients are the clients we all want to train. We get to dig into our bag of tricks, do all the cool stuff we have learned over our careers and get some amazing transformations and results! Although these clients require a lot of work, we can really master the details of our craft with these clients. 

Make sure you brush up on this article on client levels here and what to do with level 1 clients here and level 2 clients here.  Now you have mastered this info, let's get rolling!


For level 3 clients we can start having bit more direction and specificity with program design. 

1. Periodised and individualised

For level 3 clients, each aspect of the program needs to individualised for them and drawn out over a long enough time line to create the desired adaptation. For example, for a client who is chasing optimal levels of hypertrophy designing a program in line with myocyte maturation is a very viable strategy. This is something discussed in my mentorship program. 

Exercise selection can be targeted for regional hypertrophy, specific aspects of the strength curve and overcoming weak points. Programming at this point is extremely complex but also extremely fun. 

2. Biometric and volume tracking

Knowing our clients health metrics at this point allows us to push their program further in different directions. Having detailed feedback about their cardiovascular markers (for example), will allow us to recommend better types and volumes of cardiovascular training. 

3. Advanced techniques 

Drop sets, supersets, occlusion training, giant sets, myo-reps, rest pause methods, accommodating resistance and tempo variations are not necessary for level 1 and 2 clients. For level 3 they can make a world of difference.

Have fun but apply these variations intelligently!


Nutrition at level 3 is simply a game of numbers. At this level, compliance is not the issue, it is generally picking the right numbers, observing the response and modifying as needed. 

1. Macro control to the gram

These clients have the ability to build their own nutrition plan based on macros you have given them. For optimal results macros should learn within +/- 5 gram of each target every day for these people.

2. Supplementation

Supplements can help improve performance when higher level goals are to be obtained,. These should still be implemented on a case by case level without blanket recommendations. Some useful supplements are:

- Whey Protein

- Carbohydrate Powders

- Electrolytes

- Caffeine and other ergogenic compounds like creatine, beta alanine and more. 

3. Nutrient timing and nuance

All of the advanced nutrition strategies that we read about apply to these level 3 clients. We can effectively apply nuance as the basics are taken care of already. These strategies can be customised to benefit performance, physique optimisation or fat loss.


Level 3 clients often need the least mindset work. What they often need is reminders of why they are trying to achieve their goal and occasional motivation (or some tough love) to get them over the hump.

1. Grit and resilience

Grit and resilience are extremely important when someone is going through a gruelling diet. It will be uncomfortable and have periods of extreme boredom, fatigue  and temptation. Grit and resilience will help these clients get through these tough times. 

2. Delayed gratification 

Delaying gratification is incredibly important for achieving any goal, in particular physique orientated goals. The more a client can delay gratification, the better their outcomes will be. 

3. A reminder it is a choice

Although a lot of people like to discuss how 'intense' their training and transformations are, in reality it is a choice they have made. Reminding people of this is always a good idea. 


Level 3 clients are at the point where they take care of it all, you just steer the ship. Here are my favourite strategies. 

1. Tell them what data you need

Most of our job at this point is decision making based on feedback and response to protocols. We should at this point ask our clients to provide us that data and it should be a condition of working with you that they will respond. 

2. Self responsibility

Level 3 clients are at the point in their training career that they can be responsible for their own outcomes. If they stuff up, it will be on them. Our job is not to criticise at this point, we can simply deliver feedback in a matter of fact manner. 

3. Automation until it matters

Check ins should be fully automated by this point. The exception to the rule are peak weeks and competition days, where you will need to be available to adjust based on the progress they have made. 

Level 3 clients can be incredibly rewarding as they can have amazing results but will need the highest level of expertise from you. This is where constantly upskilling and improving your skills is necessary to be able to give these clients exactly what they need. 

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